The best concert of my life

A few years ago I went to see my favourite band live: Foo Fighters.

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From left to right: Taylor, Pat, Dave, Rami, Nate and Chris.
The Foo Fighters are a north american rock band, they’ve been making music together since 1995, but it was Dave Grohl-vocals, guitar- who created the band and he made the first album by himself. The band have 6 members: Dave, Nate Mendel-bass-, Pat Smear- guitar-, Taylor Hawkins- drums-, Chris Shiflett- guitar-, Rami Jaffee –keyboards-.

The concert was the 15th of January of 2015 (I was 14 years old) in The pista atlética of the National Studium in Nuñoa, Santiago.

I remember feeling very excited before the concert began and tired because that day the weather was so hot, but I wasn’t the only one. When the band came to play everyone was screaming and some others were recording the moment with their phones or cameras.

We sang every single song so they were amazed by it and because we sang before them! We also sang happy birthday to Dave and during the concert the band made a song for us based on our screams “Olé, Olé, Olé, Chile, Chile”. We were very loud.

I think we enjoy the concerts we attend because we go to see the artist we like, right?Well apart from that the Foos interacted a lot with their fans so that's a reason why I enjoyed the concert more than the other concerts I've been to.

I wish they could come back soon so I can see them again but closer this time. I hope my dad goes with me too so we can sing, jump and have an amazing time just like that day.


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