Improving my English

When I started the university I was so excited to have english at first, but then I realized that the english classes took me time, time that I could have used it to study the subjects that I was lacking and had trouble But aside from that the classes were nice because all of us were on the kinda same level of english so I didn't feel less nor superior than my classmates.
Making blogs posts were nice too because we had to express ourselves through paragraphs and that's quite difficult for me, I still have trouble with this, I hope I had improved a little.

Like I mentioned before my writing skills needs to be improved, but also my pronunciation, sometimes when I talk I get nervous so my pronunciation gets worse that it was before, and my vocabulary needs to be expanded, I plan on read books in english, watching movies with spanish and english subtitles (if I have the time), listen to more music in english so I can hear those people pronunciations.

Resultado de imagen para english
English is on my every day life, I use it a lot on social media, that's how I comunicate with other people around the world and we share some interests, we share so tips about life, like school, healty life styles, fasion, and also I'm having like a tutor and we talk to each other in this language so it's cool. My phone settings language is english so I get to do everything there while using english but I'm so used to it so it's not a challenge anymore.


  1. i hate making blogs :( because sometimes i dont know how to start , and they are a little boring
    thanks teacher kjkjk but they are usefull to practice writing

  2. One of my lasts comments :'c

  3. My writing skills needs to be improved too

  4. yeah, i think the same, I need to improve my writting skill


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