Changes in my career

I've been only months in this university and although I didn't had any high expectations of it, there are some things I would like to change so the atmosphere in the campus could be better.

I could change some subjects, like the introduction to food engineer and make it more interesting than the speeches that some food engineers do when they came to the class, I could change it for labs where we can make food, I'll try to make the subject and the career more enjoyable.

I could reduce the workload for the first year, the change from high school to the university it's very difficult to adapt to new forms to study and learn, but as the students go on I could keep the workload the same as it is now.

Resultado de imagen para salas de clases facultad de medicina uchAs for infrastructure I could add classrooms like auditoriums with long desks and various chairs, so the students could have more space to use- to have their calculators, note books, worksheets, etc.- The labs should be more clean and it should have enough materials for all the students- it happened to me once that I couldn't finish with the practical work and that's really annoying.

The use of technology is very important to my career so I think the teachers should let the students use calculators every time they need it, teach them how to use the scientific calculator, they should use more presentations in power point or prezi, show their students videos that explain the subject maters, this also applies for their teaching methods, I think they should try various way to teach the students of the first year so everyone can understand them.


  1. I think Introduction of Food Engineering needs to change too!!!


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