My opinions

 "If your opinion aggrieves then it's not an opinion."

What is your opinion about buying instead of adopting pets?
I think it should be better if people adopted pets instead of buying them, because they could save money, they could give all the love towards a pet who was abandoned or needed a family, it helps the society too because people could stop complaining about all the animals that are in the streets.

What is your opinion about climate change?
Resultado de imagen para climate change effectsIn my opinion we all should be concerned about climate change for the simple reason that Earth it's were we live and were the people we love are, the things we like, etc. I don't think anyone would like to see the place they loved the most during holidays ruined. But they don't really care until the damage is done, they'll keep throwing papers in the streets, using sprays that contaminates the air.

What is your opinion about recycling?
I think it's a cool idea to recycle the things we don't use anymore, but if we separate them in different boxes and those things end up in the garbage dump along with the trash then it really doesn't matter if we recycle or not. So yeah, the boxes with recyclable material should end up somewhere those materials are recycled.

What is your opinion about Immigration?
I think everyone can live were they want, just for the simple fact that we are alive we should be respected. So I am against any bad treats to inmigrants, they are people just like me and you, they have the right to work, to study, to live in a house with good conditions, to enjoy the city, health right, etc.
The law needs to change regarding the job conditions that the inmigrants have, the process to access to a visa or an ID, etc.

Imagen relacionadaWhat is your opinion about legalization of abortion in the 3 cases?
In my opinion the abortion should be legal, not only in the 3 cases, but with that it's a great start, so in a future (not to long) we can have a free, save and legal abortion for every woman, because it's our body and we decide what we do to it.


  1. People don´t realize that the Earth is our home and they don't take care about it.


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